Collection: / Collected Art Songs of Lyun-Joon Kim Vol. I
poet name: / Min Boo Kim
인생행로 / The Path of Life
Collection: / Collected Art Songs of Lyun-Joon Kim Vol. I
달리는 마음 / Running Up The Path
Collection: / Collected Art Songs of Lyun-Joon Kim Vol. I
세레나데(연가) / Serenade
Collection: / Collected Art Songs of Lyun-Joon Kim Vol. I
경악 / Life Triumphant
Collection: / Collected Art Songs of Lyun-Joon Kim Vol. I
산울림 / Mountain Echoes
Collection: / Collected Art Songs of Lyun-Joon Kim Vol. I
애가 / Elegy
Collection: / Collected Art Songs of Lyun-Joon Kim Vol. I
화창한 봄 / Spring Day
Collection: / Collected Art Songs of Lyun-Joon Kim Vol. I